Trade waste (tipping)
Are you a registered waste carrier?
If you are a fully licensed and insured waste carrier, you can tip your waste at our waste transfer station.
We offer very competitive tipping rates and have a zero waste to landfill policy so you can be assured that 100% of your waste is re-used or recycled in some way.
We run our site with great efficiency, therefore ensuring your waiting times to unload are down to a bare minimum.
There is also no need to pre-book so can turn up during our opening times whenever it suits you throughout the day.
All our yard operatives have full banksman training so will safely help you when on site.
Site rules
- You must report to reception to sign in & recieve your paperwork before entering the yard
- You must have proof of your waste carriers licence & insurance documents to hand if you haven't already provided these to our office staff
- All relevant health & safety rules must be followed at all times whilst on our site
- A banksman must be used for any reversing
- All relevant PPE (personal protective equipment) must be worn at all times. This includes hi-vis jacket, steel toe-cap boots, full length trousers & a hard hat.
- No smoking on site
- Zero tolerance policy - swearing, threats or any act of violence will not be tolerated. Anyone giving abuse to any members of staff will be asked to leave the premises immediately
- Do not walk into the units or walk around the back of the building under any circumstances. Please remain in your vehicle until authorised to leave.
- Do not tip waste until authorised by our yard operatives
You must adhere to our above site rules. Failure to do this may mean you are no longer permitted on our premises.